Driving licence in the UK

by Admin Anoob

How to apply for driving licence in the UK.

One of the most important priority for anyone wishing to settle in the UK is to have their full driving licence ready. It is like a passport to freedom in a country like the UK where public transport is limited and is not very suitable for day to day commute. May be you can live without a driving licence, but with one is likely to open up opportunities.

As things stand like that, the steps leading to a full UK license are still intimidating to many new comers. Basically it involves getting a provisional licence, passing the theory test and passing the practical test. When someone reaches the UK from India, they can drive a car without the UK licence if the have an Indian licence. However, as soon as they receive their provisional licence, this relaxation ends and new rules kick in. 

Provisional licence allows you to be a driver in controlled situations like driving practice. You should always be accompanied by an experienced driver or a driving instructor at all times and relevant signs should be displayed while you are driving. Please note that, even sitting in the driving seat can be considered as driving in many occasions.

The next step is to get the theory test passed. First you have to start reading the Highway Code to know the rules and regulations. There are books available or hundreds of apps with free or paid learning materials. Once you are ready to go for the test, you have to book a test from the DVLA website (Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency). The form filling is not a big deal. The most important thing is to learn everything well for the test as well as for practical use on the roads. You don't want to break the rules because of ignorance later. The test involves two types of assessment; answering questions and demonstrating the hazard perception ability. The question for answering are to test your memory and knowledge while the hazard perception is to check how fast you will respond to things happening on the road. You have to attend the test at a DVLA test centre where computers are ready for candidates.

The practical test is the most important and crucial step in the whole process. A lot of practice will be useful as it is a long test involving actual driving and answering questions. Everything happens in a very professional way. Many people have commented that candidates freshly trained in the UK pass the test more easily than experienced drivers from India. That is probably because there are unwanted habits developed and established in their driving and they have to unlearn all of it before learning new habits. It is always good to undergo some professional training for passing the test as well as for driving safely.

The following is a YouTube video from Anoop Sudhakhar, a famous vlogger living in the UK. Have a look and see if it helps.  


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